26 August 2011

I did my hair!!!!

Finally! My hair is tightened!

I used my trusty latch hook......

.....and my trusty spray bottle (that contains olive and castor oils and water). From my experience, my locs have to stay extra wet in order for the best slippage and for my hair to latch without any problems. I'm not sure if it's the same for palm rolling the loc though, but I'm sure it may be.

I made sure that my hair was sectioned off so that no hairs crossed into the wrong loc. And in this picture, you can tell the tightened locs from the untightened locs.

I do the four point rotation.....up, down, right diagonal, left diagonal, until the hair was at the root.

This is what the front of my hair looks like when the loc is tightened.

24 August 2011

New Finds

So...this post is so not about hair! It's about make-up!

I am feeling a little out there today, so I played with my make-up!

If you can't tell, that's green, and golden yellow......and a nice red lip!
My red snow white lip!
These are the tools my minions fetched for me to achieve this....look! From the bottom, it's CoverGirl Golden yellow eye shadow, then Beauty Rush Green, then Fabu Liner liquid eye kohl, then Maybelline New York XXL Pro Volume mascara, next is Jordana purple eye kohl, then NYX snow white lipstick, and last, Beauty Rush liquid glitter liner.
Just giving you a view of the eyes!

(Next time, I'll have better lighting, promise!)

04 August 2011

Commence à être ce moment ....

A quelle heure exactement?

Eh bien, de ce que les gens qui ont locs / dreads / dreadlocks(autre terme qu'ils choisissent d'utiliser les leurs) m'ont dit à un moment où les choses deviennent un peu ..... laid.

Laid, comme dans le flou, aléatoire en herbe, poils parasites, le lot, en fait ......... et je pense que mon temps est enfin venu.
Sur les 14 août 2011 (duh, cette année) sera mon loc'd 8ème mois, et je l'ai apprécié jusqu'ici, même si je reçois un peunostalgique ........ mes cheveux lâches et mes bouffées , tordre etles aboutissants de telles, mais loc juste me conviendrait mieux pour le moment.

Ce sont mes racines .... je suppose .... c'est un peu floue .... mdr

Starting to be that time......

What time, exactly?

Well, from what people who have locs/dreads/dreadlocks (whichever term they choose to use with theirs) have told me of a time when things get a bit.....ugly.

Ugly, as in fuzziness, random budding, stray hairs, the lot, actually.........and I think that my time has finally come.
On the 14 August 2011 (duh, this year) will be my 8th month loc'd, and I have enjoyed it thus far, even though I get a bit........nostalgic about my loose hair and my puffs, twist outs and such, but loc's just suit me better at the moment.

These are my roots....I suppose....it's a bit fuzzy....lol

01 August 2011

Natural ways to Dye Hair

I'm big on dying my hair, changing colours whenever I feel the time is appropriate (Mainly, when I get a feel of how free I can be with my hair and whatnot at a certain job).

One day, I came across a recipe to naturally bleach my hair. Yes, I said it. I naturally bleached my hair.


Well, with cinnamon and conditioner. I, of course, added a few extra things (honey and paprika--paprika because I wanted it to have a slightly red tint before I completely finished the dying process) to add a bit of spiciness to the hair. You are supposed to leave the product on overnight, but seeing as I can't stand the smell, nor the taste of cinnamon, I simply couldn't comply with said instruction. Instead, I left it on for about 9hrs. The results weren't bad, for my hair lightened a bit, and then I used Henna on my hair, which helped to give my hair a red tint. My friend said that she could see the red in my hair when the sun light touched my hair jussssst right. I used 250ml (1 cup) of conditioner to 3 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp paprika and 2tsp honey

So, here is what you'll need:






Here's the instructions on Henna.

I get henna from the local Indian market across the road from my house. I get it in all natural powder form. It's best to get your henna from a reliable Indian/Middle Eastern market because those already sold in jars (in powder form) have been tampered with. With the henna, I squeezed the juice from some lemons and added paprika (see, miracle powder)


Juice of Lemons:

Paprika (see picture above)

This mixture I had to let it set over night at room temperature. (Which means I put it in my kitchen on the floor near the bakers rack) and the next morning I applied it all over my hair, and the part that had been "bleached" previously has a more reddish ruddy tint to it.

ALWAYS REMEMBER! Follow up your henna treatment with a good DEEP CONDITIONER, or your hair will forever hate you! It will be hard and brittle to the touch. I always leave mine in for 25-30 minutes under a towel(s). My deep conditioners usually consist of conditioner (duh), honey, and castor oil/olive oil.

All in all, this is a 2 day process.....so don't start it without having any free time......