Day 7- Create an updo using twist out/braid out/bantu knot out.

Day 8- Wash and deep condition hair

Day 9- Try a new style that you've never done before
Because my locs are still sort of new, and I've been going through somethings, I've yet to try something new with them. Stay tuned.
Day 10- Add an accessory to your hair
Here are some I like to add to my hair:

Day 11- Make an easy DIY product
Sometimes, I like to take the "hair grease" that I have, and add extra elements to them. In the picture below, I have Herbal thick "grease" and I've added Pooka Oil (which has lemon oil, avocado oil, olive oil,rosemary oil, and peppermint oil, I added some castor oil and some WGO and I usually let it sit in the freezer for a couple of hours, but I forgot to do it this time around)

Day 12- Show favourite product(s) and tell why you love it/them
This is the Pooka Oil

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